This blog is to share the latest research and development of acupuncture and raise the awareness of alternative treatments for your conditions, and is for information only.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Acupuncture significantly improved symptoms of narcolepsy – a case report

A patient (male, 45-year old) diagnosed with narcolepsy by the specialist about a year ago. Recently, he came to me for acupuncture treatment due to the worsen conditions. His narcolepsy was presented with poor interrupted night sleep and excessive daytime tiredness with at least 2 uncontrollable sleep attacks a day which lasted from a few seconds to a few minutes. His day time sleepiness has been for a couple of years. His cataplexy occurred when he was laughing or angry with someone and was presented as sudden head slump down or the jaw dropping for a few seconds and even fell down on the ground. The patient has had bad sleep for decades. He hasn’t taken any medication.

The patient was treated with manual acupuncture on many acupoints including BL62, KI6; GV20, EX-HN1, HT7, PC6, ST36, SP6, SP9 for 30 min twice a week for two weeks. After two sessions of acupuncture the patient had good sleep for a consecutive three-night and felt energetic. His daytime sleep attack reduced. After six-session treatment, the severity of cataplexy episode attack was markedly reduced. He could avoid fell down and held himself up when episode was occurring. When he was laughing, the anticipated episode didn’t happen. Then acupuncture was applied on above acupoints once a week. It was shown that the consecutive good sleep could last up to 4 or 5 nights after one session of acupuncture treatment. Daytime sleep attack was no longer an issue and cataplexy episode occurred in a minor level even with laughing or big mood swing during this time period. Now therapeutic effect of one session of acupuncture could last up to 6-7 days. The patient is very pleased.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ying-qi and wei-qi disharmony and imbalance of yin and yang may be the cause of narcolepsy. Ying-qi is running though Yin Qiao vessel and wei-qi is running though Yang Qiao vessel. Both Yin Qiao vessel and Yang Qiao vessel are believed to be part of body defence system, equalling to immune system in convention medicine. Modulation the activity of both vessels by stimulating corresponding acupoints on the vessels leads to rebalance body’s ying-qi and wei-qi and yin and yang. This may result in the improved immune system and rebalanced the levels of neurotransmitters or neuromodulators, in particular orexin (or hypocretin) in the brain leading to improvement of narcoleptic symptoms.

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