Scalp acupuncture with electronic stimulation produces
remarkable immediate and long-term therapeutic effects on patients with general
anxiety disorders or posttraumatic stress disorder, according to a report
published in the journal Global Advances in Health and Medicine.
Anxiety disorders are one of most common psychiatric
disorders in Western countries. In the United States, around 40 million adults
aged 18 or over have suffered from the condition. Anxiety disorders include
general anxiety disorders, panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder and
many others. It is believed that genetic inheritance, abnormal brain
neurotransmissions are involved in development of the disorders. Conventional
approaches include cognitive behavioural therapy and medication. The latter has
many adverse effects. Acupuncture is a popular alternative treatment for the
Dr. Y He and colleagues in the United States designed a
scalp acupuncture treatment with two new stimulation areas, one is between Yintang
(M-HN-3), Shangxing (DU-23) and Shenting (DU-24) and another is between Taiyang
(M-HN-9), Tianchong (GB-9) and Shuaigu (GB-8), to treat the patients with
anxiety disorders. They reported two cases with remarkable therapeutic
The case one was a 70-year-old male with general anxiety
disorder and panic attack at night. He was given scalp electroacupuncture for
45 min once a week. After 4 sessions of treatment patients was free of panic
attack at night and of anxiety during the daytime. A 4-week follow up found he
was still resolved from the condition.
The case two was a 35-year-old male veteran, diagnosed
with posttraumatic stress disorder with symptoms of severe anxiety, insomnia,
nightmare, etc plus multiple joint pains. He was treated with scalp electroacupuncture
for his mental disorder and body acupuncture for his pain 30 min once a week.
After two sessions of treatment, the patient reported that he felt less anxiety
and had a better sleep. Following 6 sessions of treatment, patient completely
recovered from his mental disorder and went back to work and lived a happy and
healthy family life.
The study suggests that acupuncture is very effective in
treating anxiety disorders.
He Y et al., Scalp acupuncture treatment protocol for
anxiety disorders: a case report. Glob Adv Health Med. 2014 Jul;3(4):35-9.
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