This blog is to share the latest research and development of acupuncture and raise the awareness of alternative treatments for your conditions, and is for information only.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Acupuncture is very effective in treating primary headache disorders

Recently a review paper by Drs. Coeytaux and Befus found that acupuncture treatment is quite effective in treating migraine, tension-type headache and several different types of chronic headache disorders. The study was published in journal of Headache.

Drs. Coeytaux and Befus reviewed many systematic reviews and meta-analyses studies, including three arguably most important and informative systematic reviews of effectiveness of acupuncture for primary headache disorders and papers showing that acupuncture was superior to sham acupuncture for relieving pain and reducing the use of medication for acute migraine attacks.

They found that there is a sufficient number of published trials that showed acupuncture is effective as an adjunct to usual care in the management or prevention of common headache disorders compared with usual care only, medication management and sham acupuncture 2 month after treatment, although the outcome of the longer-follow-up was mixed. Further, growing literatures presented that acupuncture is a cost-effective in the Germany and United Kingdom.

The authors suggested that additional sham controlled trials are not likely to definitively clarify the extent to which nonspecific effects contribute to observed clinical benefit associated with acupuncture. “This area of research and practice would be well served by comparative effectiveness, safety, or cost-effectiveness trials. Such trials could provide clear guidance to patients and their healthcare providers who seek to better understand what benefits, potential harms, and economic costs they might expect from acupuncture relative to other therapeutic approaches for treating or preventing migraine, tension-type headache, medication overuse headache, or other common headache disorders.”

RR Coeytaux & D Befus, Role of Acupuncture in the Treatment or Prevention of Migraine, Tension-Type Headache, or Chronic Headache Disorders. Headache. 2016 Jul;56(7):1238-40.

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