Although acupuncture was effective in lowing blood
pressure in hypertension, its mechanisms of action is not clear. Very recently
a study in hypertension model showed that electroacupuncture-induced increase
in mRNA level of preproenkephalin in the rostral ventrolateral medulla is
closely associated with significantly decreased blood pressure. The report was
published in journal of Scientific Reports.
Dr. M Li and colleagues in the USA investigated the
mechanisms of action of electroacupuncture in lowing blood pressure in
hypertension model. Electroacupuncture was applied at ST36-37 acupoints
overlying the deep peroneal nerve for 30 min twice a week for five weeks. Elevated
blood pressure was markedly reduced after six sessions of treatment and
remained low 72 hrs after electroacupuncture compared with control groups. Biochemical
studies found that mRNA level of preproenkephalin in the brain area called
rostral ventrolateral medulla was significantly increased in those electroacupuncture-treated
hypertension model. Further, microinjection of ICI 174,864, a δ-opioid receptor
antagonist, into the rVLM of electroacupuncture-treated hypertension model partially
reversed effect of electroacupuncture on increased blood pressure. This suggested
that blood pressure lowing action of electroacupuncture was very closely linked
to the elevated levels of preproenkephalin in the brain rostral ventrolateral
medulla of hypertension model.
M Li et al., Repetitive Electroacupuncture Attenuates
Cold-Induced Hypertension through Enkephalin in the Rostral Ventral Lateral Medulla.
Scientific RepoRts| 6:35791 | DOI: 10.1038/srep35791.