This blog is to share the latest research and development of acupuncture and raise the awareness of alternative treatments for your conditions, and is for information only.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Acupuncture is an effective and safe treatment for patients with nerve deafness

Nerve deafness is one type of hearing loss. A recent study analysed 12 clinical trials of acupuncture treatment for nerve deafness and found that acupuncture can significantly improve the hearing of patients with nerve deafness. The study is published in the International Journal of Clinical Experimental and Medicine.

Nerve deafness, also known as sensorineural hearing deafness, is a type of hearing loss.  It occurs from damage to inner ear, auditory nerve that runs from the ear to the brain or the brain. The inner part of the ear contains tiny hair cells (nerve endings), that change sound into the electric signals. Then the nerves carry the signals into the brain. Nerve deafness is caused by damage to these special cells or to the nerve fibres in the inner ear and to the nerve that carries the signal to the brain and brain regions relevant to hearing. Many factors are linked to the nerve deafness such as genetic syndromes, aging, infection, injury, loud noise and many more. Nerve deafness is manifested by progressive hearing impairment at different levels, even deaf accompanied with tinnitus and sensation of intra-aural occlusion. Although the hearing aids can improve hearing the treatments depend on the underlying cause of condition.

Recently Dr. Y Jiang and colleagues in China conducted a systematic evaluation of efficacy and safety of acupuncture treatment for nerve deafness. They carried out a literature search about acupuncture therapy and nerve deafness from many scientific data bases and selected 12 randomized controlled clinical studies according to a set of criteria. They analysed the data of 527 patients by using a meta-analysis method. It was found that overall efficacy of acupuncture therapy was significantly better than that of the conventional Western medicine and better than that of traditional Chinese herb medicine. When acupuncture was combined with either Western medicine or herb medicine the synergetic effect was superior to the medication alone.

Jiang Y et al., Efficacy and safety of acupuncture therapy for nerve deafness: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(2):2614-2620.

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