An acupuncture needle caused cardiac perforation in a
51-year-old female due to the needle left on the body following acupuncture
session, according to a report published in the European Heart Journal.
Dr. O. Wigger and colleagues in the Bern University
hospital, Switzerland reported a case of complication of acupuncture, in which
a 51-year-old female was admitted into the hospital due to the ongoing chest pain
and dyspnoea. Although ECG did not show significant changes a coronary
angiography showed a needle-shaped foreign body projecting on the left
ventricle. Computed tomography confirmed a presence of a needle-shaped
radiopaque structure perforating the left ventricle and protruding into the
left lower lobe of the lung. After discussing the finding of potential cause of
symptoms patients immediately mentioned an acupuncture treatment for her
chronic musculo-skeletal pain by an unprofessional and close friend.
Cardiac surgery was immediately performed including
evacuation of haemothrax, completely removal of the needle. Patient recovered
quickly from operation and was discharged 4 days after surgery.
This report warned us that nerve seek any acupuncture treatment
from any unprofessional, non-qualified acupuncturist.
O Wigger et al.,
Cardiac perforation as a rare complication of acupuncture. Eur Heart J. 2015
May 20. pii: ehv171.