Acupuncture therapy is very effective in treating
patients with chronic prostatitis-chronic pelvic pain syndrome and its effect
is even better than conventional medication according to a report published in
the journal of Urology.
Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome
(CP-CPPS) is characterized by at least 3 month of pain in the perineum or
pelvic floor, often associated with low urinary tract symptoms and sexual
dysfunction. CP-CPPS is being categorized in main 4 categories. CP-CPPS affects
2-14% of male population and are normally treated by pharmacologic such as antibiotics,
anti-inflammatory agents which are always associated with adverse effect when
being used for long time.
Recently a randomized non-blinded clinical study was
performed in Turkey to compare acupuncture with medication on pain control,
urinary symptoms and quality of life of patient with category IIIB CP-CPPS.
Fifty-four patients with category IIIB CP-CPPS were recruited and randomly
divided into two groups: acupuncture group (n=26) and medication group (n=28).
In acupuncture group patients were given electroacupuncture at BL32 and BL33
acupoints, 30 mins a day, twice a week for 7 weeks. Patients in medication
group were given levofloxacin 500 mg daily and ibuprofen 200 mg twice a day for
6 weeks. The changes in National Institute Health of Chronic Prostatitis
Symptom Index scores were monitored before and after treatment.
It was observed that pain was markedly reduced in two
groups; however reduction was statistically significantly higher in acupuncture
group than medication group. Similarly decrease in urinary symptoms and
improvement in quality of life in acupuncture group was significantly higher
than medication group.
The authors suggest that acupuncture is a very effective
alternative treatment for patients with CP-CPPS.
Küçük EV, et
al., Effectiveness of Acupuncture on
Chronic Prostatitis-Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Category IIIB Patients: A
Prospective, Randomized, Nonblinded, Clinical Trial. Urology. 2015