This blog is to share the latest research and development of acupuncture and raise the awareness of alternative treatments for your conditions, and is for information only.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Acupuncture significantly reduced pain caused by orthodontic adjustment

Acupuncture treatment performed before orthodontic therapy markedly reduced post-adjustment pain in patients with fixed appliances, according to a report published in the Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.

It has been acknowledged that dental therapy including orthodontic treatment, even if analgesic and anaesthetic medication are used, by most people, cause pain or even light distress. Considering high rate of patients complaining about pain suffered during orthodontic therapy, different methods have been considered for its pain control, such as Lower-power laser application, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation etc. However, the results in many cases are not satisfactory.  

Doctor Boleta-Ceranto and colleagues in Brazil carried out small clinical study, performed acupuncture before orthodontic adjustment in orthodontic patients to assess its pain control effect. Eleven patients with fixed appliance who needed monthly adjustment were treated acupuncture at acupoints LI4 and ST6 for 20 mins before orthodontic adjustments. Analogue Visual Scare was used to measure the level of pain three months without acupuncture and 3 months following acupuncture treatment.

It was found that acupuncture treatment produced a statistically significant reduction in pain level index for all patients. No incidence was reported.

The study concluded that acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment in reducing pain caused by orthodontic post-adjustment procedure.

Boleta-Ceranto et al., Orthodontic post-adjustment pain control with acupuncture. Dental Press J. Orthod. vol.19 no.4 Maringá July/Aug. 2014.

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