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Monday 4 August 2014

Acupuncture improves the symptoms of autism model

Acupuncture stimulation improves learning-memory ability and autism related protein expression in the brain of autism model according to a study reported in journal Zhen Ci Yan Jiu (Acupuncture Research).

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour. It is one of autism spectrum disorders which also include Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder. People with autism have difficulty in communicating and forming relations with others. The cause of autism is not clear. It is believed that combination of genetic and environmental factors may cause the changes in the connection and organization of never cells and their synapses leading to the alternation in information processing in the brain. There is no cure for the condition, however, a range of specialist and behavioural programmes can improve many skills of children with autism.

Researchers in China investigated how acupuncture helps autism in an autism rat model. The autism model was found to have delayed eye-open time and slower swimming speed assessed by eye-open tests and swimming test respectively and compared with normal controls. Then autism model was given acupuncture stimulation at GV1 acupoint once a day, Monday to Friday, for 30 day. Evaluation of autism model at the end of acupuncture showed that learning-memory ability was significantly improved measured by Morris water maze tasks test compared with baseline and non-acupoint treated model group. Biochemical studies revealed that gap junction-related protein connexin 43 (CX43), CX32 and CX36 were markedly decreased in the prefrontal cortex of autism model brain. Those gap junction proteins provide electrical couplings between neurons and other cells which are essential for signal transduction and help information processing in the brain. Acupuncture significantly increased the expression of reduced CX32, CX36 and CX43 proteins in the brain compared with non-acupoint treated model group.

The study suggests that acupuncture has a potential in improving learning-memory function in autism and this is related its ability to modulate the expression of CX32, CX36 and CX43 proteins.

Hong YZ et al., [Influence of acupuncture of "Changqiang" (GV 1) on learning-memory ability and gap junction-related protein expression in the prefrontal cortex in autism rats]. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2014 Jun;39(3):173-9.

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