Acupuncture therapy has improved mathematics, social
studies and Turkish language in children with various conditions; many of them
are with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Children’s development and achievement in the school are
affected by many factors including their physical and mental conditions. Helps
from health care professionals may assist the children with various conditions
to improve their school success.
Based on the reports from the patents of children
receiving acupuncture treatment that suggested a decrease in symptoms,
researchers in Ulus State Hosptial, Turkey conducted a study to assess the
effect of acupuncture on school success in children with various conditions
including ADHD (21 cases), enuresis nocturna (8 cases), migraine (2 cases),
obesity (2 cases), atopic dermatitis (1 case), alopecia areata (1 case) and Tourette’s
syndrome (1 case). Total 36 children aged from 7-16 year old were treated with
acupuncture for 20 min/session, twice a week for the first two weeks, then once
a week for following 6 weeks. While children with ADHD were treated at acupoint
GV20, LI4, HT7, PC6, ST36, LV3, EX-HN-3, children with other conditions were
treated with acupuncture according to their symptoms.
The grades in math, social studies and Turkish shown on
report cards of the patients before acupuncture and 10-week after acupuncture
were compared. It was found that after acupuncture treatment there was a
statistically significant improvement in average grades in all three courses
compared with the grades obtained before acupuncture. For 21 children with
ADHD, there was a statistically increase in school success when their grades
were compared. No adverse effect was reported by the end of acupuncture
The study suggests that acupuncture has a positive effect
on learning and recollection. It confirms the results from other studies that
acupuncture positively affect memory and ability to learn.
Tas D, Acar HV., Does
acupuncture have a positive effect on school success in children? J Tradit Chin
Med. 2014 Aug;34(4):450-4.