This blog is to share the latest research and development of acupuncture and raise the awareness of alternative treatments for your conditions, and is for information only.

Thursday 20 March 2014

A simple way to relief hayfever symptoms

After one of the wettest January and February on record, many people are keen to enjoy the promise of warmer days in spring. However for people with seasonal allergies such as hayfever, they have to face the unpleasant prospect of itchy eyes and running noses which interfere with their daily life. Although medications such as antihistamines, eye drops and nasal sprays help alleviate the symptoms they can sometimes cause unwanted side effects, such as blurred eye vision, headache and stomach pain.

Massaging a few facial acupuncture points, however, can be useful to relieve hayfever symptoms. The first is the Cuanzhu (English translation: Bamboo Gathering), in the indentation of inner eye socket where the bridge of nose meets the ridge of eyebrows (A), should be pressed upward toward the top of the head. It is believed pressing this point helps relieve sinus pain, headaches, red and watery eyes, etc. The second acupoint is the Sibai (English translation: Four Whites), located below the pupil, in the depression at the infraorbiral foreman (B), and should be pressed downward toward the mouth. Pressing it helps relieve red, itchy and painful eyes, excessive lacrimation etc. The third is the Yingxiang (English translation: Welcome Fragrance), in the middle point lateral to the border of the ala nasi and in the nasolabial groove (C), should be pressed diagonally as if you are aiming your eye on the opposite side. Pressing this point helps clearing nasal congestion. It is better to practise acupoint pressing in the evening time, shortly before going to sleep. Just sit on the sofa or lie in the bed, using the fingers of both hands to press above acupoints with gentle force for one or two minutes. You can press all three points together or press one point each time; whichever is easier for you.

These acupoints have been used to effectively treat seasonal allergy for long time. The practise is cost free and has no side effects if you can manage to practise by yourself. 

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